SPD Team at TU Open House 2020

From Thursday to Saturday 26-28 November, TU Open House was held at our Rangsit campus. SPD had produced new posters to promote our programme and these were proudly displayed at People Hall, Puey Park, while we set up our SPD booth at the Faculty of Social Administration. The atmosphere was lively with music and Chinese opera performances, and busy throughout the whole three days, and many students showed an interest in our programme.
We will now follow up by sending additional information to those who left their contact details with us. Many thanks again to all the students who made the effort to help SPD to share information and explain more to students about our programme.
Thank you Ploydao, Jeen, Mook, Natty, Bam, Take, Ing etc! We are now looking forward to meeting more students at the TU Open House which will be held on our Ta Prachan campus early in 2021.

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