Orientation Day for our New First Year Students 2024

On 1 August 2024 the Dean of the Faculty of Social Administration, Assoc Prof Dr Auschala Chalayonnavin, Dr Pred Evans, Director of SPD Programme, Dr Mahesh Chougule, Dr Yeji Yoo, our SPD Office staff and SPD Student Council welcomed our new ‘fresher’ students to the SPD international programme.
This year’s cohort includes students from Thailand, Japan, Mynmar and Bangladesh as well as exchange students from Finland and Germany. Following a morning of interactive activities and information on the programme the students were introduced to the campus through a tour.
A big thank you to Emma our Student Council President and her team (Pear, Poon, Nicha, Mint) for helping to make the orientation engaging, colourful and relaxing. On 2 August the freshers trip will take place where more fun and bonding activities are planned. A very warm welcome to SPD everyone!


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